Learning with every drip

DripStudy helps you keep students engaged after the class is over.

Engagement platform

We give you science based tools that will enable students to form long term memories and to derive knowledge.

Mobile App

Mobile application that can run flashcards and record the data to help the trainer understand where students have difficulties with the learned concepts.

The content comes from the trainer or from our library

Chat bot

Messaging is where the users are easily engaged. The conversation UX is efective for reminders, quick checks and as a startinp point for other activities.


Activities in the class or communication chanels (app, chat, email) can trigger emails with long content or anouncements. Everything is delivered and tracked.

Analytics dashboard

What get's measured get's learned.

Teachers and trainers will see the engagement of their students.
Students get motivated to see learning progress.

We track email, chat, app and offline class achivements to support a better decision making and learning experience.